Invesco Physical Silver ETC

Investment Risks

For complete information on risks, refer to the legal documents. The value of investments, and any income from them, will fluctuate. This may partly be the result of changes in exchange rates. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. If the issuer cannot pay the specified return, the precious metal will be used to repay investors. Investors will have no claim on the other assets of the Issuer. Instruments providing exposure to commodities are generally considered to be high risk which means there is a greater risk of large fluctuations in the value of the instrument.

Product description

The Invesco Physical Silver ETC aims to provide the performance of the spot silver price through certificates collateralised with silver bullion. Each Silver ETC is a certificate, which is secured by silver bullion held in J.P. Morgan Chase Bank's London vaults. The Issuer of the certificates, Invesco Physical Markets PLC (Invesco PMP), is an Irish-domiciled company administered by J.P. Morgan Administration Services (Ireland) Limited.

The investment return is achieved by holding silver bullion, which is valued daily at the London Bullion Market Association ("LBMA") Silver price. The ETC will use a “swing bar” approach, whereby silver bullion equal to at least the full value of the certificates will be held in an allocated account in the name of the issuer.

Invesco ETCs are exchange traded certificates and not funds or exchange traded funds.

Security Information

General information
Base currency USD
Dividend treatment None
Minimum investment 1 certificate
Launch date 13 Apr 2011
Certificates outstanding 6,954,062
Exchanges London Stock Exchange
Deutsche Börse (Xetra)
Further information
ISA Eligible
UCITS Eligible
UK reporting status Yes
Countries of distribution Austria, Belgium (Institutional), Belgium (Private), Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark (Institutional), Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel (Institutional), Italy (Institutional), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (Institutional), United Kingdom
Legal form Certificate (PD compliant)
Replication method Physical
Assets owned Physical Silver
Domicile Ireland
Financial year end 31 December
Key service providers
Issuer Invesco Physical Markets Plc
Investment manager Invesco UK Services Ltd
Fund administrator J.P. Morgan Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
Portfolio administrator J.P. Morgan Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
Depositary JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Trustee Intertrust Trustees Limited
Auditor KPMG
Promoter Invesco UK Services Ltd

Key information

Bloomberg ticker SSLV LN
Benchmark BBG ticker SLVRLN
Fixed fee 0.19%
CV (3 Jul 2024) $28.80
Total assets outstanding $200,305,310
Base currency USD
Summary Risk Indicator (SRI) 6
Umbrella AUM (3 Jul 2024) $17,052,975,713
Entitlement (3 Jul 2024) 0.955993028

The performance information on this web page refers to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

The data shown on this page is not real-time, i.e. it may be delayed due to mandatory requirements of the data provider. As a consequence, the price of the product linked to a specific underlying you are quoted by your broker or intermediary may substantially differ from the price of the product that you would expect on the basis of the data displayed on this site. Invesco accepts no responsibility for loss, however caused, resulting from errors in this data.

ETC performance is in the base currency, and is based on Net Asset Value after management fees. It does not consider commissions or custody fees payable when buying, holding or selling the ETC. The ETC does not charge entry or exit fees. Data: Invesco.

1. The daily precious metal entitlement is the amount of Fine Troy oz that is held as collateral for each certificate and decreases by the management fee which accrues daily. The total precious metal held is only reduced over a month when precious metal is sold to pay fees. The precious metal entitlement takes fees into account on a daily basis.
2. Total precious metal data up to date with last precious metal bar list appended to website.


The risk / reward profile classifies the fund by an indicator representing the levels from the lowest (1) to the highest (7). For more information see the KID/KIID.