Invesco STOXX Europe 600 UCITS ETF Acc

Investment Risks

For complete information on risks, refer to the legal documents. The value of investments, and income from them, can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Other financial institutions provide services such as safekeeping of assets or as a counterparty to financial contracts such as derivatives. The Fund is exposed to the risk of bankruptcy, or any other type of default of the counterparty related to any trading transaction entered into by the Fund. In order to reach its investment objective, the Fund enters into swap agreements which provide the performance of the Reference Index, and may imply a range of risks which could lead to an adjustment or even the early termination of the swap agreement. Lower liquidity means there are insufficient buyers or sellers to allow the Fund to sell or buy investments readily. On-exchange liquidity may be limited due to Reference Index suspension, a decision by one of the relevant stock exchanges, or a breach by the market maker of respective stock exchange requirements and guidelines. The investment concerns the acquisition of units in a fund and not in a given underlying asset.

ESG Information

Although not all of our ETFs follow an index with specific ESG characteristics, the information on this page provides transparency to help you identify long-term risks and opportunities in your investments. Business involvement exposure information can help you gain better insights into potentially controversial business activities that a fund or index may be exposed to.

The analysis shown on this page is based on data from MSCI ESG Research. We use this single source of information for all our funds to enable a more like-for-like comparison between funds. Please note, however, that some funds follow an index (for passive funds) or adhere to a strategy (for active funds) that use different research sources for determining exclusions, including any thresholds for business involvement.

Article 6 SFDR – for the purposes of meeting the requirements of Article 6 SFDR, we have disclosed information on Sustainability Risks in the Prospectus found in the Documents library.


ESG Profile (4 Jul 2024)

ESG Quality Score (0-10) 7.85
ESG % Coverage 99.87
% Coverage including cash 99.87
Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (Tons CO2E/$M Sales) 84.37

ESG data is sourced from MSCI ESG Research. In order to have an MSCI ESG rating, the fund or index must have at least 10 securities or constituents, and 65% of the fund's weight must be covered by MSCI ESG Research. For more details, please see MSCI’s methodology on

Business involvement (4 Jul 2024)

UN Global Compact Violations 0.00%
Controversial Weapons 0.00%
Conventional Weapons 1.66%
Nuclear Weapons 2.68%
Civilian Firearms 0.71%
Thermal Coal 0.80%
Oil Sands 0.00%
Tobacco 0.71%

Data is sourced from MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research. In order to assess the level of business involvement, the fund or index must have at least 10 securities or constituents, and 65% of the fund's weight must be covered by MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research. For more details, please see MSCI's methodology on


Important ESG Information

The above information is for illustrative purposes only. Providing this information is not indicative of how or whether ESG factors will be integrated into a fund. Unless otherwise stated in the legal offering documents (fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document (KIID), prospectus, annual & semi-annual reports, articles), ESG integration does not change a Fund’s investment objective or constrain the Fund’s investable universe. For more information regarding a fund's investment strategy, please see the fund's prospectus, available free of charge at our website and from the issuers. The rating may vary from a rating agency to another. The rating may change over time and is not a guarantee of future performance of the fund.


MSCI ESG Fund Rating (AAA-CCC)
Designed to measure the ESG risks and opportunities of a fund’s underlying holdings, making it possible to rank or screen mutual funds and ETFs on a AAA to CCC ratings scale. This rating aims to provide fund level transparency and measure the ESG characteristics of the total portfolio. It is calculated as a direct mapping of MSCI ESG Quality Scores to letter rating categories. ESG Leaders are companies with an ESG rating of AAA or AA (best in class), and ESG Laggards are companies with an ESG rating of B or CCC.

MSCI ESG Quality Score (0-10)
Assesses the resilience of a fund's aggregate holdings to long term ESG risks. The score is provided on a 0-10 scale, with 0 and 10 being the respective lowest and highest possible scores. MSCI scores underlying holdings according to their exposure to 20 industry specific material ESG risks and their ability to manage those risks relative to peers.

Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (Tons CO2E/$M Sales)
Measures the fund’s or index’s exposure to the carbon emissions and intensity associated with its holdings, based on carbon expertise and research provided by MSCI ESG Research. It uses the carbon intensity metrics at the company level (Scope 1 + Scope 2) per US$1 million of revenue, and is calculated as the weighted average by fund or index weight.


Business involvement

The criteria listed here are used to calculate the involvement percentages above and may not explicitly align with any exclusions implemented by the fund. If relevant to this fund, exclusion details are available in the index methodology or sustainability disclosures under the Documents section.

UN Global Compact (UNGC) Violations
Percentage of companies in the fund that have been identified to have violated United Nations Global Compact Principles. Data is based on MSCI ESG Controversies research and MSCI ESG Global Norms Screening.

Controversial Weapons
Percentage of companies in the fund that have been identified to have any ties to controversial weapons, including cluster munitions, landmines, biological and chemical weapons, depleted uranium weapons, blinding laser weapons, incendiary weapons, and/or nondetectable fragments. 

Conventional Weapons
Percentage of companies in the fund or index that have derive 5% or more revenue from the production of conventional weapons, or companies that derive 15% or more revenue from weapons systems, components, and support systems and services. 

Nuclear Weapons
Percentage of companies in the fund that have been identified to have any ties to production of nuclear warheads and/or whole nuclear missiles, manufacture components that were developed or are significantly modified for exclusive use in nuclear weapons (warheads and missiles), manufacture or assemble delivery platforms that were developed or significantly modified for the exclusive delivery of nuclear weapons, provide auxiliary services related to nuclear weapons.

Civilian Firearms
Percentage of companies in the fund classified as producers of, or derive 5% or more revenue from distribution of firearms and small arms ammunitions for civilian markets. Excludes products exclusively sold for the military, government, and law enforcement markets.

Thermal Coal
Percentage of companies in the fund that derive 5% or more revenue from the mining of thermal coal or thermal coal-based power generation. 

Oil Sands
Percentage of companies in the fund that derive 5% or more revenue from oil sands extraction.

Percentage of companies in the fund classified as producers of, or have 15% or more revenue derived from the production, distribution, retail and supply of tobacco-related products.


This information (the “Information”) sourced from MSCI ESG Research LLC, or its affiliates or information providers (the “ESG Parties”). The Information may only be used for your internal use, may not be reproduced or redisseminated in any form and may not be used as a basis for or a component of any financial instruments or products or indices. Although they obtain information from sources they consider reliable, none of the ESG Parties warrants or guarantees the originality, accuracy and/or completeness, of any data herein and expressly disclaim all express or implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 

None of the MSCI information is intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of investment decision and may not be relied on as such, nor should it be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance, analysis, forecast or prediction. None of the ESG Parties shall have any liability for any errors or omissions in connection with any data herein, or any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

Certain information ©2024 MSCI ESG Research LLC. Reproduced by permission; no further redistribution.

Key information

Bloomberg ticker SDJ600 GY
Benchmark BBG ticker SXXR
Management fee 0.19%
Swap fee 0.33%
NAV (4 Jul 2024) €125.41
AUM €519,148,134
Base currency EUR
Replication method Synthetic
Summary Risk Indicator (SRI) 4
Umbrella AUM (4 Jul 2024) €47,260,646,153

The performance information on this web page refers to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

Costs may increase or decrease as result of currency and exchange rate fluctuations. Consult the legal documents for further information on costs.

The data shown on this page is not real-time, i.e. it may be delayed due to mandatory requirements of the data provider. As a consequence, the price of the product linked to a specific underlying you are quoted by your broker or intermediary may substantially differ from the price of the product that you would expect on the basis of the data displayed on this site. Invesco accepts no responsibility for loss, however caused, resulting from errors in this data.

ETF performance is in the fund’s base currency, includes dividends, reinvested. ETF performance is Net Asset Value after management fees and other ETF costs but does not consider any commissions or custody fees payable when buying, holding or selling the ETF. The ETF does not charge entry or exit fees. Data: Invesco.


The risk / reward profile classifies the fund by an indicator representing the levels from the lowest (1) to the highest (7). For more information see the KID/KIID.