Investment Risks

For complete information on risks, refer to the legal documents. The value of investments, and any income from them, will fluctuate. This may partly be the result of changes in exchange rates. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. The Fund’s ability to track the benchmark’s performance is reliant on the counterparties to continuously deliver the performance of the benchmark in line with the swap agreements and would also be affected by any spread between the pricing of the swaps and the pricing of the benchmark. The insolvency of any institutions providing services such as safekeeping of assets or acting as counterparty to derivatives or other instruments, may expose the Fund to financial loss. The Fund might be concentrated in a specific region or sector or be exposed to a limited number of positions, which might result in greater fluctuations in the value of the Fund than for a fund that is more diversified. The value of equities and equity-related securities can be affected by a number of factors including the activities and results of the issuer and general and regional economic and market conditions. This may result in fluctuations in the value of the Fund. The fund might purchase securities that are not contained in the reference index and will enter into swap agreements to exchange the performance of those securities for the performance of the reference index.


Past performance does not predict future returns.


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Performance (30 Apr 2024)

ETF Index Difference
Apr 2023 - Apr 2024 23.18% 22.76% 0.34%
Apr 2022 - Apr 2023 1.83% 1.42% 0.40%
Apr 2021 - Apr 2022 -1.68% -1.99% 0.32%
Apr 2020 - Apr 2021 48.34% 47.76% 0.39%
Apr 2019 - Apr 2020 0.92% 0.43% 0.49%
Apr 2018 - Apr 2019 13.19% 12.75% 0.40%
Apr 2017 - Apr 2018 12.73% 12.61% 0.11%
Apr 2016 - Apr 2017 17.41% 17.41% 0.00%
Apr 2015 - Apr 2016 -0.16% -0.18% 0.02%
Apr 2014 - Apr 2015 12.52% 12.52% -0.01%

"n/a" indicates insufficient data history

Inception date: 31 Mar 2009

ETF Index Difference
YTD 5.81% 5.72% 0.09%
1M -4.14% -4.15% 0.01%
3M 4.20% 4.12% 0.07%
6M 21.22% 21.02% 0.17%
1Y 23.18% 22.76% 0.34%
3Y 23.32% 22.02% 1.06%
5Y 84.62% 81.08% 1.95%
10Y 210.75% 203.21% 2.49%
Since Inception 684.01% 675.12% 1.15%

"n/a" indicates insufficient data history

Inception date: 31 Mar 2009

ETF Index Difference
1Y 23.18% 22.76% 0.34%
3Y 7.24% 6.86% 0.35%
5Y 13.05% 12.61% 0.39%
10Y 12.01% 11.73% 0.25%
Since Inception 14.62% 14.53% 0.08%

"n/a" indicates insufficient data history

Inception date: 31 Mar 2009

ETF Index Difference
2024 10.38% 10.30% 0.08%
2023 26.95% 26.49% 0.36%
2022 -19.53% -19.85% 0.39%
2021 26.86% 26.45% 0.32%
2020 21.26% 20.73% 0.44%
2019 31.47% 30.88% 0.46%
2018 -4.68% -5.04% 0.38%
2017 21.18% 21.19% -0.01%
2016 10.91% 10.89% 0.01%
2015 0.70% 0.69% 0.01%
2014 12.68% 12.69% -0.01%
2013 31.70% 31.79% -0.07%
2012 14.99% 15.33% -0.30%
2011 1.02% 1.36% -0.34%
2010 14.38% 14.77% -0.34%

"n/a" indicates insufficient data history

Inception date: 31 Mar 2009

Key information

Bloomberg ticker MXUS LN
Benchmark BBG ticker NDDUUS
Management fee 0.05%
Swap fee 0.07%
NAV (23 May 2024) $151.00
AUM $4,645,573,585
Base currency USD
Replication method Synthetic
Summary Risk Indicator (SRI) 5
Umbrella AUM (23 May 2024) $48,216,146,364

ESG Profile

(Index 23 May 2024)

ESG Rating (AAA-CCC) A
Quality Score (0-10) 6.62
Carbon Intensity 94.38

Source: MSCI ESG Research. For more information on the ESG profile, see the ESG section on this product page. Carbon intensity is the weighted average carbon intensity (Tons CO2e/$million sales).

Costs may increase or decrease as result of currency and exchange rate fluctuations. Consult the legal documents for further information on costs.

The investment concerns the acquisition of units in a fund and not in a given underlying asset.

The performance information on this web page refers to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

The funds or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to any such funds or securities or any index on which such funds or securities are based. The prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with Invesco and any related funds.

Source: MSCI. The MSCI data is comprised of a custom index calculated by MSCI for, and as requested by Invesco. The MSCI data is for internal use only and may not be redistributed or used in connection with creating or offering any securities, financial products or indices. Neither MSCI nor any other third party involved in or related to compiling, computing or creating the MSCI data (the “MSCI Parties’) makes any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to such data (or the results to be obtained by the use thereof), and the MSCI Parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to such data. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall any of the MSCI Parties have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

The data shown on this page is not real-time, i.e. it may be delayed due to mandatory requirements of the data provider. As a consequence, the price of the product linked to a specific underlying you are quoted by your broker or intermediary may substantially differ from the price of the product that you would expect on the basis of the data displayed on this site. Invesco accepts no responsibility for loss, however caused, resulting from errors in this data.

ETF performance is in the fund’s base currency, includes dividends, reinvested. ETF performance is Net Asset Value after management fees and other ETF costs but does not consider any commissions or custody fees payable when buying, holding or selling the ETF. The ETF does not charge entry or exit fees. Data: Invesco.


The risk / reward profile classifies the fund by an indicator representing the levels from the lowest (1) to the highest (7). For more information see the KID/KIID.